
Washingwell Community Primary School

Achievement for all


Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • A busy week in Venus

    Fri 08 Oct 2021 Mrs Evered

    Venus have been learning about different types of houses, so this week we went out and about in the local area to find out about the houses near us.  We used a tally chart to collect information.

    In P.E. we have been improving our throwing and catching skills.  We can catch with one hand, catch while we are walking and even clap our hands before catching the ball.

    On National Poetry Day we enjoyed listening to poems by Michael Rosen and wrote our own class Harvest poem.

  • Weekly Challenges

    Thu 07 Oct 2021 Miss Cant

    Every week Jupiter have independent challenges to complete during their Discovery time in the classroom. This week our challenges have meant we have had to see how many sounds we can find and say in 3 minutes, retell the story of The Gingerbread Man, roll the dice to find one more or less and build a landmark in the construction area. This week we have all completed our challenges! 

  • Stone Age Weapons

    Thu 07 Oct 2021 Mrs Mustard

    Neptune were set a challenge in the woods this week to make their own Stone Age weapons. As you can see they rose to the challenge and were very creative with the resources available to them. 

  • Engineers of the future!

    Wed 06 Oct 2021 Miss Bainbridge

    Mercury class were very pleased to be invited to Nissan today. They learned lots of interesting facts about Nissan and its Japanese background, including: the first car was made in 1933 and Nissan’s most successful car is the Qashqai.

    Next, the children carried out their own production line, working in teams to build a Nissan Lego car - which got rather competitive! They then had a tour of the training centre, where they watched a very clever robot scan and draw a picture for two of the children. What will robots be able to do next?

    ‘Hands on corner’ was a firm favourite with the class -  where the children used tools such as wrenches, hammers, nuts and bolts to complete a number of repair tasks. Finally, Mercury finished the day with a traditional Japanese dance and all came away with a prize!

    A huge thanks to Nissan for inviting us and transporting us to their plant in Sunderland. They provided an amazing hands-on experience for our children and have hopefully inspired some engineers of the future!

  • Ancient Greece

    Tue 05 Oct 2021 Mrs McCue

    Today, Saturn compared the modern Olympics with the ancient Greek Olympics. The children used research to find out what was the same and what was different. 

    Everyone was surprised that women and athletes with disabilities were not allowed to compete. 

    Saturn enjoyed their discussion of the values and events of the Paralympic Games.


  • Becoming Rock Investigators

    Fri 01 Oct 2021 Miss Tweedy

    This week in Earth, we have really enjoyed investigating different types of rocks for our science topic.

    We started our investigation by looking at rocks in our local environment, we found lots of rocks of all shapes and sizes. We then looked at some ‘treasures of the earth’ at our investigation station in the classroom. We used magnifying glasses to carefully analyse the rocks and categorise them into different groups: metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. 
