
Washingwell Community Primary School

Achievement for all


We have all enjoyed our delicious cupcakes today in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. A huge thank you to Mrs McCubbin in our school kitchen Orian Solutions for baking them for us!
We would normally support this worthwhile charity (who have supported so many of us in different ways) each year by hosting a coffee morning and asking all of our parents and community members to join us. Unfortunately, we have been unable to do so this year due to the Covid restrictions in place. To allow us to still support one of our regular charities, at such a difficult time we asked for donations. So far, we have raised over £120 which will be sent directly to Macmillan Cancer Care – thank you! Any further donations can be added to the total via your Lunchshop account by close of day tomorrow. Any amount will be gratefully received.